Baseball is a popular sport for many children and teenagers, and while it can be a fun and rewarding activity, it also poses certain risks for injuries. As a paediatric physiotherapy clinic, PlayWorks Physio sees a lot of young baseball players with various injuries. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common injuries in youth baseball players and how physiotherapy can help.

  1. Shoulder injuries

    Shoulder injuries are quite common in young baseball players, especially pitchers. These injuries can be caused by repetitive overhead throwing, which puts a lot of stress on the shoulder joint. Some of the most common shoulder injuries in baseball players include rotator cuff injuries, labral tears, and biceps tendonitis.

  2. Elbow injuries

    Elbow injuries are also common in youth baseball players, especially pitchers. Overuse of the elbow joint can cause pain and inflammation, which can eventually lead to more serious conditions such as Little League elbow or ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries.

  3. Knee injuries

    While not as common as shoulder and elbow injuries, knee injuries are still a risk in youth baseball players. These injuries can be caused by running and sliding on the field. Common knee injuries in baseball players include patellar tendonitis and meniscus tears.

How physiotherapy can help

Physiotherapy can be an effective treatment option for youth baseball players with injuries. A physiotherapist can assess the injury, provide a diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan that may include a combination of exercises, stretches, manual therapy, and modalities such as ultrasound or laser therapy. The goal of physiotherapy is to reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility and flexibility, and strengthen the affected area to prevent future injuries.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, physiotherapy can be an effective treatment option for young baseball players with shoulder injuries. The study found that a physiotherapy program consisting of exercises, manual therapy, and modalities was effective in reducing pain and improving range of motion in young baseball players with rotator cuff injuries.

Another study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that a physiotherapy program consisting of exercises and manual therapy was effective in reducing pain and improving function in young baseball players with UCL injuries.

In conclusion, injuries are a common risk in youth baseball players, especially those who pitch. Shoulder, elbow, and knee injuries are the most common types of injuries seen in young baseball players. Physiotherapy can be an effective treatment option for these injuries, helping young players reduce pain, improve mobility and flexibility, and prevent future injuries. If your child is a young baseball player who has been injured or if you want to focus on injury prevention, PlayWorks Physio can help! Click here to schedule an assessment.


Written by: Maegan Mak


  1. Frangiamore SJ, Lynch TS, Vaughn MD, et al. Physical therapy treatment of adolescent baseball players with symptomatic rotator cuff injury. J Pediatr Orthop. 2016;36(8):814-820. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000000559.
  2. Wilk KE, Reinold MM, Dugas JR, et al. Current concepts in the recognition and treatment of superior labral (SLAP) lesions. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005;35(5):273-291. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2005.35.5.273.