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What is Torticollis?

What is Torticollis ?  Torticollis is the term used to describe the tightening of a muscle in baby’s neck. It is the shortening of one of the neck muscles, the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), which results in the baby’s head tilting slightly to the side and rotating in the opposite direction.  What are some causes of torticollis? […]

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Help! My baby has a flat head!

My baby has a flat head… Is this a common issue? YES, this is a very common issue with babies. Flattening can be caused by the following: Your baby has a preference of looking in one direction, resulting from tight neck muscles Your baby prefers looking in a certain direction but there are no neck restrictions […]


In-toeing and what to do about it

Something we hear a lot as a paediatric physiotherapist is “My kid walks with their toes turned in – is this normal?” What is in-toeing? In-toeing is the appearance of one, or both, feet turning in when standing or walking.  This can be a little bit or a lot.  In-toeing typically comes from the position […]


Why do some kids walk on their tip-toes?

One of the most recurring comments a paediatric physiotherapist gets when a family brings their child in for assessment of toe-walking is, “everyone told us it will go away and it hasn’t”. The fact of the matter is if doesn’t go away right away, it likely won’t resolve on it’s own and will continue to […]


What is Torticollis?

Our first post was on infant motor milestone assessment and one of the things we also screen for in this assessment is torticollis, the shortening of neck muscles that causes a preference in the direction baby looks. Understanding Toricollis. Torticollis: shortening of one of the neck muscles, usually the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), resulting in the baby’s […]

Create Your Child’s Play Zone

Your home is your baby’s safe zone, where they are comfortable exploring, (throwing tantrums?), and learning new skills. Creating a space with a few key elements can foster and facilitate not only their gross motor development but their sensory, vestibular and fine motor skills as well. An ideal zone will let you place your baby […]

5 Challenges to try on the Playground

Playgrounds are a great place for kids to improve gross motor skills, strength and confidence.There are lots of things you can have your child try when they are on the playground to provide different challenges. Often times, kids will gravitate to the areas of the playground that are easiest for them. Incorporating other playground equipment […]

What is an Infant Motor Milestone Assessment?

Understanding Your baby’s development. We are so glad you asked. It can be confusing for new parents to understand exactly where their child’s development is currently at. Luckily, we can help break it down into understandable milestones and processes, eliminating the guesswork and give you a greater understanding of your child’s health and motor skill development. […]